Hi Liam! You're abit older now, so have you given up fighting the paparazzi?
I've calmed down, man. But it depends how close they get to me. If they're in my f***ing space then they're going to get a dig! Sometimes, they come up and take the p*ss and that's when I react.
Do you regret any of the mad stuff you have got up to in the past?
No, I'd do it all the f***ing same, man. Even the bad times were worth it because I'm still alive. I've got f***ing money in the bank, I've got a nice house and my family are f***ing happy. It could be f***ing worse, couldn't it? It's all good. How crazy was it to be in Oasis when you first started? I can't remember much about that whole f***ing thing - I was very drunk a lot of the time. I'd read some things and think, "Did that really happen?" and then I'd see the pictures. It was wild. It was life on the f***ing edge. But we weren't "Guns N' Roses wild" because were a different kind of band. We never fell over drunk because we like our clothes too much. And I've never poured Guinness or Jack Daniels on my head because we're not f***ing Beavis and Butt-head. But we had a good time. Oh yeah, man!
What about drugs? Was there lots of that going on?
Yeah, but none of us ever done f***ing smack and none of us have ever been in the f***ing Priory, like all these little f***ing idiots today. They have one little line and they are all in the Priory.
What do you think of the current music scene?
There's too much of it - its fast food music. You make one f***ing hit and everyone thinks, "Yeah, they're f***ing great". Its like having a McDonald's - by the time you've finished, you feel guilty because it weren't that f***ing good. I'm like, "Where's the Sunday roast?" I like my records played more than once.
Whats the most extravagant thing you've ever bought?
I bought a Bristol, which is one of the last hand-made English cars ever. It's a top car. I've got a nice apartment and a gaff in the country. But apart from that I am not really that bling.
Do you still think Oasis are the biggest and best band ever?
Well, when we said that, that was us just being cocky little b*stards, wasn't it. Maybe we're not the f***ing best ever but we're one of the greatest bands of the last 10 years. I don't see anyone who's set it alight more than us for the last 10 years. We burnt the candles at both ends, had some f***ing sh*t things happen to us, but we got through it. To me, that's what it's all about. Half the stuff that goes down in other bands these days is nothing. They play it too f***ing safe. So, yeah, we're the b*llocks and we remain the b*llocks.
Whats been the highlight of your career so far?
It's got to be the City of Manchester stadium gig, when we played three nights in front of people we went to school with - people who'd rip your f***ing head off if they got you on your own, but who still loved the music. To play in front of your own f***ing crowd, with 60,000 people coming to see you, is pretty special. But getting a record deal was the f***ing most important thing because that allowed us to drive your own car.
What would you be if you weren't a musician?
F**k knows! I did want to be a footballer, but I didn't have the discipline to give up the fags or booze. And I couldn't see the point of making all that money and not being allowed to get off your f***ing head. Apart from that, be God, maybe? That'd be a good job. That's the next highest one, isn't it? Being in Oasis, then f***ing being God!
Well, didn't you once say you wanted to change the world?
I don't think we said we'd change the world, I think we just said we're the best f***ing band in the world. And I don't think we've changed the world, because look at the state it's in! But we have changed our world, changed our lives and changed quite a few other people's f***ing lives, too. Even to this day, there are loads of people out there that come up and say, "You changed my f***ing life." That's nice, man. I'm happy with that.
Source: Nut's Magazine
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