More "sickeningly good" songs on the way, says Noel
Noel Gallagher has already written and demoed Oasis's follow up to Dig Out Your Soul. And, of course, it's "sickeningly good".
In an interview with London radio station XFM, Gallagher claims the band's next album has been written on a miniature kids drumkit in a cupboard-sized studio.
Talking about Dig Out Your Soul track Get Off Your High Horse Lady, he said: "There are another two songs that are really, really brilliant. One called I Want To Live In A Dream In My Record Machine which is a big Champagne Supernova, Stairway To Heaven-thing, which is amazing. And another one called Come On It's Alright which has a 50-piece choir signing the chorus on it."
I Want To Live In A Dream In My Record Machine found its way onto YouTube a few months back and many fans expected the song to be on Dig Out Your Soul.
"I wrote and demoed a full album while we were in the studio," Gallagher continued. "While we were mixing the album in the studio we had another studio that consisted of a cupboard and this little GarageBand thing in the corner. We bought a miniature kids' drum kit and wrote another record."
Gallagher added, typically, modestly, that the new songs he's written are sounding "sickeningly good".
"The new stuff is a proper concept. Have you heard Neil Young's Greendale? I say it with a smile on my face because as I'm saying it, I'm thinking: 'you pretentious c*nt'. It's all songs about characters and all the songs will have titles and in brackets it'll be 'AKA The Shopkeeper'.
"I've got to say, they're sickeningly good. Dave Sardy (producer) was freaking out saying: We should record these now."
Stop The Clocks - not to be confused with the compilation album of the same name - is another Oasis song that has never been released.
Despite the leaks of tracks from Dig Out Your Soul, the album sold 89,434 copies on its first day on sale in the UK (6 October), making it one of 2008's fastest first-day sellers. It's almost certain to be Number 1 in the UK chart on 12 October, the band's seventh Number 1 studio album in a row.
Source: www.musicradar.com