Oasis Feeling Thematic, Kinks-y On New Songs

Oasis' latest album, "Dig Out Your Soul," has only been out three weeks, but Noel Gallagher says he's "already written" and demoed the group's follow-up.

Gallagher tells Billboard.com that he started writing the songs while mixing "Dig Out Your Soul" in Los Angeles. The "psychedelic epics" "I Want to Live in a Dream in My Record Machine" and "Come On It's Alright," on which he hopes to use a choir -- were in place for the current album but put aside when Gallagher's brother, Oasis frontman Liam, "ran out of time" to record them.

Noel compares the new material to "mid-era Kinks," referencing songs such as "Dead End Street" and "Harry Rag." "They all seem to be based around the same four or five chords," Gallagher says. "It's vastly different from what ('Dig Out Your Soul') is."

There's also a thematic unity that he likens to Neil Young's "Greendale." "It's kind of like that, but modern," Gallagher says. "There's stuff about soldiers and religious people and rock stars and travelers. They seem to be all songs about people, but not people I know. And they all seem to have a narrative; it's kind of like a story which follows on from song to song."

With a tour underway -- and a North American leg starting Dec. 3 in Oakland, Calif. -- Gallagher won't predict when we'll ultimately hear this new music, however. "This tour's gonna take us to the end of next year," he says, "and then it depends on what everybody wants to do. I think it'll happen when it's meant to happen. We just work on our own timetable."

Gallagher, who's almost fully recovered from injuries suffered in an onstage assault Sept. 7 in Toronto, is also still planning to make a solo album but isn't sure where that will fit in the timetable, either. "I'm going to do one sooner or later -- hopefully sooner rather than later," he says. "I'm kind of hoping Liam might be arrested soon, and then I'll have time to see it through."

Source: www.billboard.com
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