Oasis - Dig Out Your Soul
Rating ***
Seven albums in and we’re all hoping, somehow, maybe, that 14 years on from their colossal debut Definitely Maybe and its follow-up (What’s The Story) Morning Glory? the Gallaghers plus the other two have made an album worthy of their god-like status.
In fact, maintaining such eminence seems a bit preposterous because none of the four albums that followed was worthy of a band often hailed as big as The Beatles.
Dig Out Your Soul has moments to shout: “Hooray, they’re back on track”. Bag It Up is a classic Gallagher anthem, and The Turning is big on atmospherics, dreamy pianos and soulful vocals.
Falling Down is another highlight, with Noel on vocals again. Packed with emotion, it’s the album’s best track. The Beatles-y I’m Outta Time is Liam’s predictable but admirable offering and includes a sample of John Lennon’s final interview.
ut we are disappointed once more. (Get Off Your) High Horse Lady has promise but instead heaves along like a weary pack mule.
And Andy Bell’s The Nature Of Reality drags on as does Gem Archer’s droner To Be Where’s There’s Life.
When will Oasis reinvent the wheel and give us an album we’d rather listen to than their Greatest Hits? JS
Source: www.thesun.co.uk