Howard Eliott Payne is supporting Oasis on the start of the bands European tour, he will be supporting the band in Cologne, Copenhagen and Paris.
We sent a Q&A to to the Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist and former Stands front man.
Q: Hows things Howard?
Things are good, thanks.
Q: Why do you go by "Howard Elliot Payne" now instead of Howie Payne?
That's my name, It''s good to use all of your name.
Q: How is the solo album coming along?
It's recorded and called "Bright Light Ballads", It'll be out anytime soon.
Q: Are you looking forward to going on tour with Oasis later this week?
Yeah, of coarse I am, I like Europe.
Q: What songs do you have planned for the set list?
Oh, Er, Dunno, don't really use them.
Q: The Stands supported Oasis on numerous occasions, what do you make of the atmosphere before a Oasis gig?
It depends where your standing, or sitting if your inside or outside the fence, depends on lots of things.
Q: You're friendship with Noel goes back to 2003 when 'The Stands' recorded their debut album 'All Years Leaving' at Oasis' "Wheeler End" Studio. Was that a bit daunting for you? And did you enjoy the experience?
Don't recall being daunted or anything like that. Recall drinking a lot of red wine. Yeah, it was a quick session so bit fuzzy in recalling, what I can remember is great.
Q: What's your favorite album by Oasis? And Why?
The new one. Because it's the new one.
Q: What's your favorite track by Oasis? And Why?
Stop The Clocks is a good song, Slide Away to.
Q: Are there any other projects you are working on at the moment that you can tell us about.?
I've been writing songs with my sister Candie for her next record, that's well cool. There was an idea of me and Ethan Johns forming a group with a few other people too but that may just be drunk talk.
Q: Are there any other musicians that you would like to work with?
Yeah Pete Seeger or Sly Stone, maybe we could even have a trio.
Q: If you were trapped on a Desert Island with only three albums what would they be? And why?
No record is that good, I'd want a Ray Mears instructional DVD. OK maybe Harry Smiths Anthology of American Folk is that good.
Q: What was the first album you bought?
Dunno. I used to listen to whatever I could borrow/steal etc.
Q: Should musicians use their positions to get political messages across?
Only if they want to.
Q: How jealous are you of your brother for being engaged to Abi Harding? (from a site Visitor)
Oh c'mon man! that's not even a real question.
Q: Do you have any backstage diva demands for your Rider? Oasis should be aware of.
I'd like an organic roller skating hourse that sings Sinatra songs with saddlebags full of beer and orange revels in a Beatle wig, of coarse.
To listen to a few tunes, or for more information visit www.myspace.com/howardeliottpayne
Thanks to Howard for taking the time to do this in his busy schedule.