Breaking News

Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere

Taken from Noel's tour diary from

Arright. What to say? Not a lot happening at the minute. The boys are on their way to Aberdeen. I'm on my way to Dublin. Got some interviews to attend to. Which pretty much amounts to being asked some very heavily loaded questions about U2/Bono. We've all been in Belfast the last couple of days. Somewhat predictably the gigs were great.

I went to see that Giant's Causeway thing and I can report that it's still there!

Can't believe that non-story involving Russell and Jonathan is STILL rumbling on. How is it that a talented handsome devil loses his job because of The Daily Mail and a “Satanic Slut” gets rich because of The Tabloids? That's the English and its media for you, I suppose.

And yes, my bags did eventually turn up.

In a bit.



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