Dig Out Your Soul Songbook - And The Winner's Are...

Back in September Big Brother Recordings and NME ran a competition for fans to submit their versions of 'The Shock Of The Lightning', 'Bag It Up', 'The Turning' and '(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady'.

The competition had a great array of entries which can be viewed here!

After going through all the entries, Oasis picked The Outs' version of 'Bag It Up' as their favourite. Noel said, "The Outs are our winners, they did a top job on 'Bag It Up'. Their version really got to the heart of the track. Nice one." Big Brother Recordings will now be flying The Outs to the gig of their choice which they have decided will be at Wembley Stadium next year.

The Outs proved to be a very popular band with NME Editor Conor McNicholas also choosing their version of 'Bag It Up' as his favourite. The band will be receiving a copy of the 'Dig Out Your Soul' Box Set.

The runner up is João Ribeiro from Portugal whose version of 'Bag It Up' clocked up over 12,000 views by the end of the competition. João has won tickets to see Oasis play in Lisbon on their largest-ever European tour at the start of next year. He has also won an X-Box, Plasma TV Screen and copy of the Guitar Hero 4 World Tour.

Oasis, Big Brother Recordings and NME would like to thank all the fans for their entries and urge them all to keep picking up those instruments and learning your favourite songs - that's how all the best bands start!

Source: www.oasisinet.com
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