On This Day In Oasis History...

"Sunday Morning Call" is a song by British rock band Oasis taken from their fourth studio album, Standing on the Shoulder of Giants, and was released as the third and final single from it on 3 July 2000, peaking at #4 in the UK charts. The song is written and sung by Noel Gallagher, who took over lead vocal from brother Liam Gallagher on an A-side for the first time since "Don't Look Back in Anger" in 1996.

Though the song has the same anthemic feel that popularised many Oasis songs, and departs from the psychedelic feel of Standing on the Shoulder of Giants, which had been poorly received by critics, it received a mixed critical reception. NME described it as "a dreary thing indeed", whereas Allmusic described it as a "self-consciously mature departure from the group's usual ebullience... a deliberately mellow, mid-tempo [song]".

The music video is a take on the Jack Nicholson film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, with characters resembling McMurphy and Nurse Ratched. It was filmed in an old mental institution in Vancouver, Canada and features Scottish actor James Cunningham, who has previously starred in the original play of Trainspotting. Unlike the film, the video begins with the McMurphy character escaping his home and giving chase to the authorities, and ends in a football match. While the inmates celebrate a victory, Oasis are seen watching from the asylum window, and Noel Gallagher makes a 'wanker' hand gesture at Cunningham.

Although unconfirmed, there was widespread speculation at the time that the song was inspired by Noel's friend Kate Moss.

To date this is the only Oasis single on which Liam Gallagher does not provide vocals on any of the songs.

Track listing

"Sunday Morning Call" - 5:14
"Carry Us All" - 4:00
"Full On" - 4:16

7" RKID 004
"Sunday Morning Call" - 5:14
"Carry Us All" - 4:00

12" RKID 004T
"Sunday Morning Call" - 5:14
"Carry Us All" - 4:00
"Full On" - 4:16

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