Taken from Noel's tour diary for oasisinet.com
Phew! Thank the good Lord that weekend's over. Been absolutely ruined by the Wembley smash up. Still feeling like a little lump of dog-shit and it's fuckin' Tuesday!!
Anyway, here's the story - what I can remember of it, at least!
Thursday night had a bit of a Thursday night feel to it, if you know what I mean? Incidentally, what a shit night Thursday night has become! No Top Of The Pops. No Coronation Street. Nothing. I bet nothing of any significance has ever happened on a Thursday - in the world of Rock'N'Roll, that is. I bet Altamont wasn't on a Thursday. I bet Shea Stadium wasn't on a Thursday. Knebworth wasn't on a Thursday. We should fuck Thursday off anyway. Cut it back to a 6 day week.
The gig was really good, for a Thursday. The best thing about it though was the magnificent green leather jacket Serge was wearing. Too good for a Thursday.
Friday was a bit of a lazy day. Went and done an interview with Johnny Ross. He's a naughty boy, Jonathan. He was determined to try and get me to have a pop at the Blur re-union. Not this time. Those days are long gone. Although it was fun at the time I'd like to think we've all grown up a little bit since then. He has, and it was funny though.
Saturday was altogether a different kettle of fish. What a night. One of THOSE nights. What an atmosphere! It pissed down but that only added to it. Easily one of the best nights ever. There was some moments, let me tell you. If you were in that crowd, and if I wore a hat I'd doff it in your general direction. I wouldn't go as far as Mr Bruno saying, "You're the best fans in the world". As Arsene Wenger once said, "Everybody thinks they have the most beautiful wife", or even more ludicrously (is that a word? ..it is now!!), "You're the best human beings in the world!"?? Nonsense! My kids are the best human beings in the world. Fact. BUT the version of "Don't Look Back In Anger" was very special indeed.
Which brings us to Sunday. Party time. Another very special night. Lots of friends in attendance. Great, great gig. Not as good as the piss up after though. 9'n'half hours we was in that dressing room. Drinking, dancing, smoking and talking shite. A colossal end to an epic weekend.
Am currently on a train in Devon heading to the Eden Project. Doing that gig we had to cancel last August!!
I must go as I need to strangle a child that's been crying all the way from London!
In a bit.
Source: www.oasisinet.com