Noel Gallagher Flees To South America

AY CARAMBA! Noel Gallagher is fleeing the UK after spectacularly quitting Oasis.

The moody Mancunian, 42, below, will swap his guitar for a sombrero as he jets off halfway round the world to Mexico.

He’s planning on kicking back with a couple of cervezas with girlfriend Sara MacDonald, 42, and kids Anais, nine, and Donovan, two.

The band broke up on Friday after a sibling spat that ended in front-man Liam smashing Noel’s guitar.

The gruesome twosome are famed for their massive spells of PMT, but have always managed to kiss and make up in the past.

Fans may be holding out for a reunion, but Noel’s had enough and wants to get the hell out of town.

The guitarist growled: “Me and Sarah have got quite fond of Mexico.

“It’s the time for a little adventure before the little one has to go to nursery.

“Seeing as I’ve completed all my adventures in music, it seems like a cool thing to do.”

The wise old owl also predicted the band would split in the wake of the Dig Out Your Soul world tour.

He said: “I don’t think we’ll last now this tour is over. We’ve never made plans as a band ever.”

The split came just days after Oasis pulled out of the V Festival in Chelmsford last week.

Noel wrote on the band’s website that he could not cope with “verbal and violent intimidation” and “lack of support and understanding” from bandmates and walked.

We hope once he’s had his fill of enchiladas he will see sense and come home.

Meanwhile, in Italy it looks like Liam, left, couldn’t give a monkeys about the end of the band he once called “bigger than Jesus”.

The yawny younger Gallagher, 36, smooched his missus Nicole Appleton, 34, inset, apparently unfazed by the break-up.

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