We Can See It Now - Neu! News

"My current new favourite German band of all time. Proper tour bus music. Spiritual!!"

That was how Noel described the band Neu! this time last year.

Oasis are big fans of Neu! and you can hear their influence on songs such as 'Falling Down' which Noel described as "3 chords, 1 note - Krautpop!!"

So it was nice to read today on The Quietus that Michael Rother - legendary guitarist and founding member of Neu! - praised the Oasis track 'Can Y'See It Now? (I Can See It Now!!)' which was featured on the Neu!-influenced compilation 'Brand Neu!' earlier this year.

"I very much enjoyed listening to that compilation. To be honest, I also quite like the Oasis track. I mention that because I read in some reviews that they got a bit of a beating. It was of course surprising to read that Noel Gallagher expressed his admiration for Neu! and that he convinced his brother to adopt some of the ideas. When I heard that Oasis single 'The Shock Of The Lightning', I immediately understood the idea behind that, the fast-forward movement, the strong surge in combination with a Beatles-esque sound. To me that's an interesting combination, Neu! crossed with Beatles ideas."

The quote comes from an article due to be published tomorrow at The Quietus which we're sure will be worth a read.

If you're unfamiliar with Neu!'s music then you should definitely check them out. Noel's particular favourite is 'Hallogallo' off their debut album, but you can't really go wrong with any of their albums.

For those of you in the UK who wish to delve a little deeper into the world of Krautrock, BBC4 will be showing a documentary about it this coming Sunday.

Source: www.oasisinet.com
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