Noel Gallagher Is Ditching Labour For The Blues

Ex Oasis star Noel Gallagher is ditching Labour for the Blues - vowing to "vote" for Man City striker Carlos Tevez.

The rocker, 42, who famously went to a reception at No 10 after Tony Blair won power in 1997, revealed his plan yesterday in an interview on the FA website.

The fanatical Man City supporter said: "Me and the missus were talking about it because we've got to vote this week.

"She was going, 'Who are you voting for?' and I said, 'I'm not voting for anyone'.

"I'm just going to take my voting card and I'm going to put in massive letters 'Tevez is God' and throw it in the polling station. I'm voting Tevez."

Noel was seen as a key figure in the Nineties Britpop scene, which New Labour tried to cash in on.

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