Liam Gallagher And Tony McCarroll 'Sabotaged' Manchester United Players' Cars

After being fired from Oasis by Noel Gallagher in 1995, the band's original drummer, Tony McCarroll, sued for his slice of the five-album deal. This week, McCarroll, 38, publishes his version of the now-defunct band's early history: Oasis: The Truth, The Noel Truth Is Nothing Like The Truth.

Perhaps his most incendiary revelation is that the band's beginnings were funded by footballers, not from the Gallaghers' beloved Manchester City but from arch-rivals United. While struggling as musicians, McCarroll writes, both he and Liam Gallagher worked for a car valeting firm which serviced the vehicles of United's stars.

The players' business was secured after McCarroll's boss, one "BigUn", tricked Gallagher into delivering a fake love letter to Reds striker Mark Hughes, who saw the funny side. Among BigUn's Old Trafford clients were Paul Ince, whose wheel arches Gallagher wrecked by scrubbing them with wire wool, and Eric Cantona, whose new Mercedes lost a driver's door while in their care. Both incidents, claims McCarroll, were unfortunate accidents. I believe you, Tony – thousands wouldn't.

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