Noel Gallagher On Gary Speed, The Stone Roses And More


A number one album, Manchester City steamrollering Manchester United 6-1 and a Hot Press Gig of the Year Award for his show in the Olympia. It’s been a great 2011 for Noel Gallagher who talks to Stuart Clark about life after Liam, the Roses reunion, Gary Speed and running in to Tom Cruise’s missus.

“What do you want?”

“Er, to give you an award.”

“What for?”

“Gig of the Year as voted for by the Hot Press boys and girls.”

“Do I get anything for it?”

“Just our continued adulation.”

“That’ll do!”

It’s a little under four hours until showtime at the Casino de Paris, a 19th Century music hall on the rue de Clichy, and Noel Gallagher appears rather chuffed that his October 24 show in the Dublin Olympia – his first with the High Flying Birds – tickled so many Trinity Street fancies.

“My guitarist Tim’s from America – he’s not really got a clue about much – so when our intro music, ‘Blue Moon’, came on and people started booing he didn’t realise it was because Dublin’s full of filthy United fans upset that they’d just been beaten 6-1 by City,” Noel grins mischievously. “I mock shivered and said, ‘They don’t like me in this town. Fuck me, it’s a horrible place – we should have started the tour somewhere else’, which made him think we’d be bottled off stage!”

What was Noel thinking as the boos rose to a crescendo?

“‘Please God, let me get to the mic without falling over and see what comes out the other end!’ No, I wasn’t nervous. In fact, I’m more relaxed now doing this than I was with Oasis because I know there’s nobody else who’s going to fuck it up! I’m in control of it, I know how to do it and everybody in the band’s happy unless I tell them otherwise!”

He must have been the proverbial dog with two dicks after smiting Fergie’s men like that.

“Well, if Carlsberg did days! I got the call that my album had got to number one at three; the game finished at six; we did the gig and then got a private plane home to London so I could be presented with ‘Icon of the Year’ at the Q Awards. ‘Fucking hell, what a 24 hours this has been!’ To top it all off Bono and his lovely wife Ali were there, so we got to catch up and have a few drinks with them .”

So life as a (sort of) solo artist is treating him well?

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