The Nation's Favourite Number One Single Vote

2012 sees the 60th anniversary of the first ever UK singles chart. That’s 60 glorious years of songs that define our lives and even reflect the nation’s recent history.

In a primetime series on ITV1 in July, we’ll be telling the stories of 60 unforgettable number one singles; hearing which are the favourite number ones of chart topping artists from across the generations; and finding out from the hit makers what makes a great number one.

Plus there will be a play-for-fun pop quiz to test your pop knowledge too.

But first we need you to vote to determine which song can truly be called our greatest number one ever.

These are the songs that made us dance, made us cry, marked birthdays, weddings, make-ups, break-ups and just about every other occasion known to man and womankind.

But what’s YOUR favourite?

You've found out more about the contenders for the coveted Number One spot, it's now your turn to help find The Nation's Favourite Number One Single! In this first round of voting, in the form below, please select your TOP TEN from the shortlist of 60 Number One singles. Then be sure to come back on the 6th July for the second round to vote for your favourite from the final Top Ten.

The Oasis songs that can be included are

The Importance Of Being Idle
The Hindu Times
Go Let It Out
All Around The World
D'You Know What I Mean?
Dont Look Back In Anger
Some Might Say

To cast your vote click here.

(Last date for votes is the 14th May 2012 at 5pm.)
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