"The Stone Roses at International 2 in Manchester was my first ever gig. My memories are of going on my own, Billy No Mates, because all me mates into f**king throwing shapes and listening to dance music. So I went, bought a ticket off a ticket tout - and I've got no problem with ticket touts. I'll always fight for the tout because if it wasn't for that tout, f*ck knows, I'd have probably ended in a tent dancing to some daft shit. So ticket touts are alright round my way.
"Anyway bought a ticket for a tenner, went in, had a couple of beers, had a couple of joints, went down the front, checked it out. Ian Brown singing 'I Wanna Be Adored' just blew my mind, and I went home and convinced me mam that that's what I was gonna do. I mean, Ian Brown, was the man for me. When the Roses went walkies, Lennon sort of took over, but he was always important for me as a kid, as a young guy, man. He was my f**king Elvis, still is. And Ian Brown is a dude, but it's the whole band, the whole package... I'm made up for the reunion. I can't wait, I'll be at every f**king gig.
Taken from a special collectors' issue of Uncut dedicated to The Stone Roses, more details can be found here.