Taken from Vinny Peculiar's blog....
The new Parlour Flames website [that's the name of the Vinny/Bonehead project, in case you'd missed it] is in the making as we speak. Domain names have been secured so in not too long from now we'll be tweeting and bleating along with the rest of them. I'll update eveyone as soon as.The struggle we had with names was in keeping with the world today, practically every name taken on myspace and such. The name Parlour Flames seemed to sit nicely with us, the old school front room, where the sparks of creativity begin, that kind of thing. Looking forward to finishing the album, it should be done and dusted end of this month. Not sure who will be putting it out yet but I doubt it'll be Shadrack and Duxbury, they say they are having second thoughts about he music business...plastic coffins, now there's an idea?
Pictures of the pair in the studio can be found here.