Parlour Flames is the new band from Paul ‘Bonehead’ Arthur’s and Manc singer song-writer/poet Vinny Peculiar, and after what started out as an EP the duo decided to take it all the way by putting an album together which is due out early next year.
An interesting pairing that sees the ex-Oasis rhythm man delve into a wide collection of influences, sounds and arrangements backed to the beautiful tones and humorous writing of Peculiar, very interesting proposition indeed.
So LTW hooked up with Vinny and Bonehead to ask how Parlour Flames came about and putting the album together…
LTW: So how did you and Bonehead come together then Vinny?
Vinny: It goes back to an earlier Vinny Peculiar album ‘the fall and rise of Vinny Peculiar from 2006, Mike Joyce was in the band and a friend of Boneheads so we met through him.
Bonehead also played with the Vinny Peculiar band on some European dates in 2007, we always said it would be interesting to work together, and here we are…
LTW: And the name, Parlour Flames, sounds kinda vaudeville, where did that come from?
Bonehead: Well, it was a bit difficult trying to find a name, two or three words that sounded right. So we were thinking for ages and had a list of them but it was Vinny who came up with ‘Parlour Flames’. We got it down on paper and it looked good and sounded good as well, you know so we had it.
Vinny: I liked the idea of the the Parlour as an old school performance space, from a simpler more direct age, the flames in the hearth, the family gathered round, the lava lamps on the piano… like Bonehead said we had a few names but whenever we half liked something it was taken. It’s all worked out OK though, the reaction to the name has been pretty positive, we’re happy with it…
LTW: Where would you both say you meet musically, what are the groups and artist your both into?
Vinny: My favourite groups are XTC, Be Bop Deluxe, Talking Heads, Simon And Garfunkel, Bowie, Joni Mitchell, The Auteurs, the church is broad, – I also love a good hymn and a choir…
Bonehead: I think were both quite varied really in our on tastes but we also share a lot as well I mean, I’ll listen to stuff some people probably never heard of, I listen to classical music as well and when you listen to the album you can hear all these different influences like with the cello’s and piano’s on on there. Our respective influences sit well together, my playing and his lyrics I feel like were onto a winner.
To read the full interview click here.
Source: louderthanwar.com
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds have released International Magic Live At The O2 DVD through Sour Mash Records.
They will embark on a number European dates before they tour the US and Canada alongside Snow Patrol and Jake Bugg.
For details on the above and more click here.