Oasis Reign Supreme On The Jukebox In 2012
Stop Crying Your Heart Out
January 03, 2013
New releases reign supreme on the jukebox in 2012, but Oasis grab the top artist spot.
An in-depth look into both online and offline jukebox selections reveals Oasis are the most played artist of 2012, despite the fact every one of the ten most popular jukebox track choices for the year were new releases.
Supplying over 15,000 digital jukeboxes in the UK, Soundnet have unparalleled access to information on what pub-goers across the country are listening to, helping us guide landlords on the most profitable jukebox tracks for their pub or bar.
In 2012, we’ve found that the UK public are three times more likely to select ‘chart and new releases’ on their local jukebox than any other category, with 80 per cent of jukebox income typically coming from this category.
This interest in popular culture has even influenced the chart for the back catalogue section, with Kenny Roger’s ‘The Gambler’ rising to the top spot this year after becoming the unofficial England Rugby team anthem in 2007. Similarly, the ‘Album of the Month’ option, a Soundnet exclusive featuring the latest albums in full, came in as the second most browsed category.
Source: www.soundnet.net