Beady Eye interview excerpt from Clash Magazine.
Clash Magazine: How do you define what a Beady Eye song is?
Liam: A Beady Eye song has got to have attitude, it's got to have a great melody, great chords - you've got to be able to play it on acoustic, you know what I mean? That's how I measure a good song: if vou can fuckin' sit there and strum it on the acoustic guitar in your house to your dogs and it still sounds good, then that's the sound of a good song. Then once you put all the other shit on it, then obviously it gets better, I guess.
Andy: At the beginning of the demo session we were like, 'Let's direct ourselves at a cross between [George Harrison's] 'Wonderwall Music' soundtrack and 'All Things Must Pass'. We had a sort of orchestral Simon And Garfunkel epicness.
Gem: Yeah, Liam was banging on about Simon and Garfunkel a lot, but what we actually wanted from the lyrics and the melodies was just real strong songs, man. Emotion, directness, vulnerability, hope, broken hearts, paranoia; the usual kind of adult emotions that you pick up.
Andy: With the first album we would have been saying, 'Right, we need rock 'n' roll. It needs to be lairy, lean and mean. We don't want to have any indulgent bits on it - not too many guitar solos - we just want it to be arranged to play the fuck out of live'. So that was the message there. The message now was more like a bit of headspace. Dave saw that in the tunes and he brought a whole lot of ambience to it as well that we wouldn't have got near without him. Dave added the ambience, the chaos, the invention, the questioning - we questioned every tune on the day. We came out with an amazing record that at times is space rock, other times is ambient, at times it is like Hawkwind, and at other times it's like Oasis or Beady Eye's first album; it kind of runs through the whole spectrum.
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